Long Week..Again
Argh! another long week of workn n cars n cars...gosh..been real tired..
I'm lucky enough to haf the time to write in! ..coz now im sick n cabut to cafe thats y! =)
Ok!..lemme see whats been goin on!
1.We had a party..actually my gf+housemates Eric n Kenny throw a party.sort of like a house warming..yes! we had chicks!..got japs+rojak+chinese+malay+macha = One big happy family!
2.What unites us? Its all the drinks+foods+munch,munch+weed+and more!
3.Had music,made some and well! we all enjoyed!
Well..,life's been ok so far.i'm getting along with Mr.Kawana-San.Thats my Pit Manager,JePoN!
Work been ok and well ..as usual la pressure and stuff..work eat sleep!
My kar asso..hmm...at least slowly been modding it up.power wise..goal its 300ponnies by this year.i got a garret a/r 5.0 and kinda tempted to buy...able to produce 550bhp,twin blade,ceramic coated and fully serviced ball bearings n fins..! Agrh!
Just upgraded engine and rewired up everything and currently mixing with ev03 parts!
what parts?..secret! wait till the correct time..when its up to my setting then its time to burn some rubber and scorch the tracks!
Till then!
Selecta! ....(From aliG in da house) Peace OuT!
Oh did i mention?...i went party last nite..dats y sick! hahahaah!