Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Its January,time passes so fast and its new year.! Everything's cool so far,but darn my kar not out yet!Argh!
Here are few updated on January 2006~!

-Celebrated New Year at 1Utama! with Fazly n Phyllis at New Wing( There's a event where DJ Tiesto were there and some "hot" Pole dancers and people walking on stilts!
-Fazly sudah ade Mivec!
-D1GP Comming to Malaysia @ 20th and 21st Jan 2006
-Company/Department Hitting target and will be getting our BONUS!!
-Mental Mod upcomming soon
-Getting ma own pc soon..
-Iskandar gila urut badan > got hot chick which he try to be "kawan"
-New stuff around..
-Chinese new year comming soon..ANGPOW!

okok i gotta run..still in office sneaking out..!