Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weird Facts ~

1) The "Nobel Prize" medal does not look "NOBLE" - it depicts three naked man with hands on each other shoulders.

2) The brain processes the pain signals, it does not feel any! Plus, the brain is most active when your body is most passive i.e. when you are asleep!

3) It is impossible to cry in space ~ tears cannot flow without gravity. So much so for Space Oddity.

4) Overeating impairs your hearing!

5) Chinese "Fortune Cookies" were invented by America.

6) The appendix organ is a waste of space in the body. It produces some white blood cells but without it, you will live just the same.

7) Don't hold back a sneeze, it can cause death...literally. You may rupture a blood vessel in your neck!

8) Humans are the only creatures who cry out of emotions. Animals do too, out of physiological needs.

9) Even wonder why "clocks" in ads often have a time display of 10.10? This allows room for advertisements right in the middle of it!

10) Your left hand does more typing than your right, even if you are a right hander.

11) The electric chair was invented by an executioner...NOT. A DENTIST!

12) Astronauts must not fart in will ruin their spacesuits!

13) "Brazil Nut" didn't get its name from Brazil, the country. Brazil got its name from the nut!

14) Earth is the only planet not named after a God. And I wonder why this world's full of evil???

15) Contraceptive pills for humans work just the same for gorillas.

16) Marijuana is not nearly as addictive a alcohol, cocaine or nicotine. Ironic?

17) In a USD1 note, there is a tiny picture of an owl on the upper left corner of the note and a little spider in the upper right corner.

18) There is an island in Greek called "Lesbos" and its residents are known as "Lesbosians".

19) "Soda water" has no soda.

20) The "Vintage Date" on a bottle of wine is merely the indication of when the grapes were picked, not the date when it was made or bottled. Duped?